Monday, August 1, 2011

online Quran services|official site

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, also wants more Muslims to focus on the Quran, hence the decision to make it the theme of this year's festivities.Muis president Mohammad Alami Musa said it had chosen the holy book to encourage younger Muslims to see it as a companion and source of knowledge.

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The Sharjah Islamic Affairs Department has selected 20 mosques in which the whole Quran will be read during the holy month at taraweeh prayers, said Abdullah Al Khayal, the director of awareness and mosque affairs at the department.

A series of public lectures will be held in other mosques. Mr Al Khayal said the department had launched a toll-free number - 8001441 - for people with questions during Ramadan.Mr Al Khayal said opportunities were open for Emiratis who wished to become imams. Imams should be older than 17 and have memorised up to five ajzaa of the Quran.

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