Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Taylor Armstrong's Husband Commits Suicide

The estranged husband of a reality TV star has been found hanged in his bedroom.Russell Armstrong was married to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong.The 47 year old's body was discovered in his Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles home on Monday evening .No suicide note has been found, according to TMZ.com, but reports suggest he took his own life.Taylor filed for divorce from Armstrong last month, claiming her husband had physically abused her.

Taylor Armstrong filed for divorce last month after six years of marriage to the venture capitalist. The show frequently showcased their on-air fights and she told People he would sometimes grab her, shove her, throw things at her and pull her air. He told the magazine the show had hurt their relationship.

Armstrong was CEO of a company called called NuWay Digital Systems, Inc., which had an interest in another company, MyMedicalRecords.com. MMR accused Russell of collecting more than a million dollars by selling NDS shares to investors who were told they were getting shares in MMR -- then using the money to invest in a restaurant with Eva Longoria and to redecorate their mansion, according to TMZ.

Also tough is Taylor’s 5-year-old daughter, Kennedy, who Tay says is doing well despite her parents’ decision to part ways. "We're just trying to really take it day by day right now and trying to keep her life as consistent as possible and make sure she knows that she's surrounded by so much love...” Taylor says.

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