Just hours after Demi Moore announced her split from husband Ashton Kutcher, the comedian appeared on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," sounding off on her theories behind the divorce. When host Piers Morgan implied that "Ashton's bad behavior" is behind the split, the 36-year-old comedian said, "Well, I think it's pretty obvious to everybody."
"Again, I don't know them personally very well, but I think it's pretty obvious that they probably had a lot of open marriage-type situations." Sara Leal, 22, came forward saying she and Kutcher slept together in Las Vegas on Sept. 24, which also happened to be the six-year anniversary of Kutcher and Moore.
Demi said in a statement today that she is filing for divorce with "great sadness and a heavy heart". Hinting at Kutcher's infidelity, Demi said: "As a woman, a mother and a wife, there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life."
Handler, who has never been married, said she felt for Moore, adding that she would never tolerate infidelity. "I absolutely feel for her," she said. "I'm a big proponent of valor and honor and valuing what you have in a relationship or someone else and being true to that and to yourself at the same time."
When asked how she felt about infidelity, Handler, who just broke up with Andre Balazs, said she "would not tolerate that." Kutcher responded on his chime.in page, posting: "I will forever cherish the time I spent with Demi. Marriage is one of the most difficult things in the world and unfortunately sometimes they fail. Love and light, AK."
Do U agree with Chelsea about Ashton & Demi's open marriage? Or are U still not convinced???
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