Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brad Richards

The Kings tried to wow premier free-agent forward

Brad Richards on Friday with a pitch that included

videotaped appeals from Wayne Gretzky and Kobe

Bryant and a front-loaded offer worth nearly $60 million

over nine years, but Richards decided to sleep on his

decision and announce his choice Saturday.

If Brad Richards is looking to the get the most money, it likely won’t be from the NY Rangers. The Rangers,

Maple Leafs, Lightning, Kings, Flyers and Sabres could be interested in signing Richards. The Rangers could

offer a front loaded 6 year deal in the $7 million range.

Brad Richards has declined the Lightning's offer and will not be coming to Tampa Bay, according to the St.

Petersburg Times. The problem was money. Richards might have been willing to take less to play for the

Lightning, but not as much less as the Lightning needed him to take.

James Mirtle of The Globe and Mail notes the teams interested in Richards as the Toronto Maple Leafs,

Buffalo Sabres, Tampa Bay Lightning and Los Angeles Kings. Mirtle believes a deal could come as early as

today, and could be heavily front-loaded:

The Kings, Leafs and Bolts are believed to have already pitched offers; who knows exactly how many more

squads will line up to the same. Richards will be thoughtful in his approach and has already indicated he wants
two things -- a long-term deal in a place he's comfortable and another real shot at the Stanley Cup. He may

not sign Friday and could take a few days to make up his mind.

The Rangers will have competition for Richards, the Post suggests -- the Philadelphia Flyers. And based on

salary cap figures, Philadelphia could feasibly add him, assuming his cap hit is in the $5 million-$6 million


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