Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Searching for information on barcode product

SHAPE Services Company:- which became popular thanks to the creation of applications IM +, released a new design — Barcode Finder for iPad, as well as updated the application of the barcode Reader.
Both application allow for barcode to find detailed information about the product. Using data services eBay, Amazon and Google results, you can learn interesting facts about the desired product, as well as the lowest cost. The results can be saved into your mobile phone or send them via email.

Barcode Reader allows you to use the camera in your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 to search for information about the product. Simply take pictures of barcode and you get all the information available on this product. In turn, because the camera in the Tablet PC from Apple, users can simply enter the iPad for bar code numbers and application Finder will also present a Barcode with detailed information about the desired product.
Application of the barcode Reader and barcode font Finder is already available in AppStore.

Version for the iPhone
Barcodes Reader — iTunes Link ( Free)
IPad Print version
Barcode font Finder — iTunes Link (1.99$)

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