Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10 Seriously Cool Predictions for the Future of Your Cell Phone

Only a fool or a particularly argumentative individual would deny that cellular technology has experienced a technological resurgence of legendary proportions as of late. Following the lead of the Blackberry, iPhone, and other trendy time-savers, other companies have scrambled to mimeograph their successes – resulting in a digital rush of state-of-the-art products that pique the interest, love, and loyalty of consumers around the world. It likely comes as no shock whatsoever to learn that experts and hobbyists alike enjoy weighing in on the new developments to come. The following represent a few that, as of 2010, seem to be the most realistic ones to find themselves fulfilled within the next few years.
Phenomenal Cosmic Power in an Itty-Bitty Living Space
Sayonara, Laptop-san!
More bang for the buck.
More lucrative opportunities for selling virtual goods.
A surge in prepaid plans.
The increased popularity of GPS
Smart phones for everyone!
Mobile internet becomes the norm
More sophisticated bar code readers
Improved location-based services.

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